
BioFuels a 'Criminal Path'


Food-to-Fuel Fails Test



NC Zoo Energy Award



Conservation Insider Bulletin, April 25

Conservation Insider Bulletin
Published weekly for the Conservation Council of North Carolina
Conservation News to Peruse & Use
Editor: Dan Besse, cib@conservationcouncilnc.org

April 25, 2008

CCNC announces its Primary 2008 legislative endorsements, plus we provide an early look at key topics for the legislative short session, this week in CIB:

--Campaign Watch: CCNC Announces Legislative Endorsements
--Legislative Watch: Four Items for the "Common Agenda"
--Movement News: PestEd Becomes ToxicFreeNC

Campaign Watch: CCNC Announces Legislative Endorsements

CCNC has finalized primary endorsements in six State Senate and two State House contests for 2008.

Here are the endorsements, listed by chamber/district, party, and counties included (in whole or in part):

S5 (Democrat) (Green, Pitt, Wayne), Don Davis
S16 (Democrat) (Wake), Josh Stein
S23 (Democrat) (Orange, Person), Sen. Ellie Kinnaird
S28 (Democrat) (Guilford), Sen. Katie Dorsett
S36 (Republican) (Cabarrus, Iredell), Sen. Fletcher Hartsell
S42 (Republican) (Catawba, Iredell), Sen. Austin Allran
H7 (Democrat) (Halifax, Nash), Rep. Angela Bryant
H119 (Democrat) (Haywood, Jackson, Macon, Swain), Rep. Phil Haire

S5 and S16 are open seats created by the retirement of Sen. John Kerr (D-Wayne) and the decision by Sen. Janet Cowell (D-Wake) to run for State Treasurer. The other six contests are incumbents facing primary challengers. CCNC legislative endorsements are based on questionnaire responses, incumbents' voting records, and candidates' other environmental/community work records related to the environment.

CCNC previously announced statewide office endorsements in two contests: Dan Besse for Lieutenant Governor and Janet Cowell for State Treasurer (both in the Democratic primary).

Legislative Watch: Four Items for the "Common Agenda"

In its legislative efforts, CCNC whenever possible joins with other active environmental citizen groups to support a "Common Agenda". For the 2008 legislative "short session" beginning in May, the cooperating groups have identified four key issues: clean cars, water resources, coastal stormwater rules, and beach hardening.

First, CCNC will support "clean cars" legislation to require new vehicles sold in our state to meet the tighter emissions standards used in California. About a dozen states nationwide have adopted similar standards. This issue is currently tied up in federal court, but clean air advocates expect that roadblock to be cleared up once the Bush Administration comes to an end. All three remaining major presidential candidates say that they will allow states which so choose to implement the tighter standards. These will be a particular boost for efforts to control global warming.

CCNC will also support water resources management legislation to improve our state's drought management and planning in this critical resource area. Draft language is still under preparation by the governor's office and the Dept. of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR).

Stormwater rules for the coastal region continue to be a hot topic. Stronger stormwater management rules for the coast were adopted by the Environmental Management Commission (EMC) and approved by the Rules Review Commission (RRC), but are on hold until August 2009 pending legislative review. Negotiations with the usual objecting entities, lobbying groups representing the state development industry, are underway at the General Assembly.

Finally, CCNC will work to block bad legislation which would undercut North Carolina's long-standing policy against new beach hardening structures—groins, seawalls, and the like. A particularly bad proposal to permit groin "pilot projects" (the usual ploy for starting a string of exceptions) has passed the Senate and is pending in the House.

Movement News: PestEd Becomes ToxicFreeNC

The Agricultural Resources Center & Pesticide Education Project (PestEd) has changed its name to Toxic Free NC. Details are available on the website under the new name: www.toxicfreenc.org.

Another Endorsement for Besse

The Chronicle endorses Dan Besse!

The Chronicle, one of North Carolina's leading African-American owned and published newspapers, has just endorsed Dan Besse for Lieutenant Governor!

All of us with the Besse campaign are delighted by this important endorsement. It's especially gratifying because it comes from leaders who have watched Dan at work for years, and who know the quality of his service to all of the people of our diverse communities.

We can't improve on the way The Chronicle said it, so we'll just quote them here:
"The crowded Democratic field for Lieutenant Governor doesn't have a shortage of qualified candidates either, but our choice is clear. Dan Besse has been a community-minded, dedicated member of the Winston-Salem City Council for more than six years and will bring those same qualities and more to the office of lieutenant governor.
Too many of those seeking elected office today, do so for personal glory and their own egos. Besse is what an elected official should be. Helping to make his city and state and the people who reside in them better are Besse's only motivations. In the race for lieutenant governor, Besse doesn't have the most campaign money or name recognition, but he has the most heart and the most zeal to work hard for the residents of North Carolina."


GM Explained



Food Not Lawns



Investments? Food



More About Chickweed


Edible Lawn--Eat Your Weeds, Children



Conservation Insider Bulletin, April 18

Conservation Insider Bulletin
Published weekly for the Conservation Council of North Carolina
Conservation News to Peruse & Use
Editor: Dan Besse, cib@conservationcouncilnc.org

April 18, 2008

We have legislative news, three items of campaign note coming up next week, and a deal on beach driving, this week in CIB:

--Legislative Watch: Anti-Impact Fee Bill Not Moving

--Campaign Watch: CCNC Earth Day Event; Obama/Clinton Environmental Advisors to Meet in Durham; CCNC to Announce Legislative Endorsements

--Judicial Watch: Deal Reached in Beach Driving Case

Legislative Watch: Anti-Impact Fee Bill Not Moving

A leading environmental advocate in the N.C. House, Rep. Paul Luebke (D-Durham), says that legislation stripping local governments of their ability to impose impact fees on new development isn't getting out of his committee. Luebke chairs the House Finance Committee.

The legislation was introduced at the behest of the Home Builders Association, which regularly fights against the authority of local governments to levy impact fees. The bill was approved by the N.C. Senate last summer, and is currently held in the House Finance Committee. It is eligible for further consideration during the legislative "short session" starting in May.

For the full text of the article on this issue in the Durham Herald-Sun, see http://www.heraldsun.com/durham/4-944278.cfm.

Campaign Watch: CCNC Earth Day Event; Obama/Clinton Environmental Advisors to Meet in Durham; CCNC to Announce Legislative Endorsements

CCNC Earth Day Event: CCNC is holding an Earth Day Celebration to support its political action work, this Tuesday, April 22. The event will take place from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Whitespace Gallery, 401 E. 4th St., Winston-Salem. RSVPs are requested to 919-839-0978 or volunteer@conservationcouncilnc.org.

Obama/Clinton Environmental Advisors to Meet in Durham: The environmental advisors to presidential candidates Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton will meet for a public "conversation" at Duke University this Friday, April 25. The event is scheduled for 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at Love Auditorium at Duke's Levine Science and Research Center. More info is available from Megan Dawson at the Nicholas Institute, Megan.Dawson@duke.edu.

CCNC to Announce Legislative Endorsements: CCNC is wrapping up its primary endorsements process for 2008. CIB expects to be able to carry the CCNC legislative endorsements in our edition this coming Friday, April 25. CCNC has already announced statewide endorsements of Dan Besse for Lieutenant Governor and Janet Cowell for State Treasurer (both in the Democratic primary).

Judicial Watch: Deal Reached in Beach Driving Suit

In the dispute over beach driving in the Cape Hatteras National Seashore, a tentative settlement deal has been reached between environmental groups and the National Park Service. Groups represented by the Southern Environmental Law Center (SELC) last year sued the National Park Service over lax rules which permit disruption of important bird nesting habitat.

The settlement (which is still subject to approval by the federal judge presiding over the case) would increase seasonal restrictions on vehicle use along a number of beach areas. Conservationists hope that the new restrictions will help give several declining bird populations the chance to rebound in these areas.

More discussion on the settlement can be found at http://www.heraldsun.com/state/6-943349.cfm.


Why Bother?


GM Is NOT the Answer


Put Local Food in School Cafeterias


Go Green at SCC, May 3

Sandhills Community College
May 3, 9 - noon (rain date - May 4, 1 - 4 p.m.)
Various stations offer workshops, chair massages, green facials
Organic vegetable gardening
Cooking with herbs
Mindful eating
Drought-tolerant plants
Composting for the home garden
Rain barrels

also tours of the Horticultural Gardens at SCC and Art in the Garden on display throughtout the gardens
695-3882 for more info


Mostly Off the Grid


More Endorsements for Dan Besse

More endorsements for Dan from around North Carolina!

As the primary counts down toward two weeks to go until May 6, we're adding still more endorsements for Dan from around our state!

In Greensboro, the members of Progressive Democrats of America (Greensboro Chapter) have endorsed Dan. Thanks friends!

Meanwhile, up in our mountains, Democracy for America (Asheville Chapter) has overwhelmingly voted to endorse Dan Besse for Lieutenant Governor. Thanks again!

As shown by this kind of rising excitement, our campaign is building toward a peak--to win on May 6. That's why we're putting out our strongest call yet for volunteers for polling place work--both on May 6, and starting now for early voting sites.

If you can help as a volunteer, know that you will be the deciding factor in this race!

If you haven't already, please fill out the form below and return it to coordinator@danbesse.org.

___I will help distribute signs to polling places.
___I will help greet voters at an early voting site.
___I will help greet voters at the polls on May 6.
___I will help recruit pollworkers for May 6.


Endorsements for Dan Besse now include the following:
--Winston-Salem Journal
--Yes Weekly
--N.C. Chapter of the Sierra Club
--Progressive Democrats of N.C.
--Conservation Council of N.C.
--Progressive Democrats of America (Greensboro)
--Democracy for America (Asheville)

For more information on Dan Besse, you can always go to www.danbesse2008.org.

We're moving! Thanks very much for your support!

Christine Toole, Campaign Manager
Dan Besse for Lieutenant Governor


Horrible Night in Philly

An Open Letter to Charlie Gibson and George Stephanapoulos
By Will Bunch
The Philadelphia Daily News
Thursday 17 April 2008

Dear Charlie Gibson and George Stephanopoulos,
It's hard to know where to begin with this, less than an hour after you signed off from your Democratic presidential debate here in my hometown of Philadelphia, a televised train wreck that my friend and colleague Greg Mitchell has already called, quite accurately, "a shameful night for the U.S. media." It's hard because - like many other Americans - I am still angry at what I just witnesses, so angry that it's hard to even type accurately because my hands are shaking. Look, I know that "media criticism" - especially when it's one journalist speaking to another - tends to be a genteel, colleagial thing, but there's no genteel way to say this.
With your performance tonight - your focus on issues that were at best trivial wastes of valuable airtime and at worst restatements of right-wing falsehoods, punctuated by inane "issue" questions that in no way resembled the real world concerns of American voters - you disgraced my profession of journalism, and, by association, me and a lot of hard-working colleagues who do still try to ferret out the truth, rather than worry about who can give us the best deal on our capital gains taxes. But it's even worse than that. By so badly botching arguably the most critical debate of such an important election, in a time of both war and economic misery, you disgraced the American voters, and in fact even disgraced democracy itself. Indeed, if I were a citizen of one of those nations where America is seeking to "export democracy," and I had watched the debate, I probably would have said, "no thank you." Because that was no way to promote democracy.
You implied throughout the broadcast that you wanted to reflect the concerns of voters in Pennsylvania. Well, I'm a Pennsylvanian voter, and so are my neighbors and most of my friends and co-workers. You asked virtually nothing that reflected our everyday issues - trying to fill our gas tanks and save for college at the same time, our crumbling bridges and inadequate mass transit, or the root causes of crime here in Philadelphia. In fact, there almost isn't enough space - and this is cyberspace, where room is unlimited - to list all the things you could have asked about but did not, from health care to climate change to alternative energy to our policy toward China to the deterioration of Afghanistan to veterans' benefits to improving education. You ignored virtually everything that just happened in what most historians agree is one of the worst presidencies in American history, including the condoning of torture and the trashing of the Constitution, although to be fair you also ignored the policy concerns of people on the right, like immigration issues. You asked about gun control - phrased to try for a "gotcha" in a state where that's such a divisive issue - but not about what we really care about, which is how to reduce crime. You pressed and pressed on those capital gains taxes, but Senators Clinton and Obama were forced to bring up the housing crisis on their own initiative.
Instead, you wasted more than half of the debate - a full hour - on tabloid trivia that for the most part wasn't even that interesting, because most of it was infertile ground that has already been covered again and again and again. I'm not saying that Rev. Wright and Bosnia sniper fire and "bitter" were never newsworthy - I myself wrote about all of these for the Philadelphia Daily News or my Attytood blog, back when they were more relevant - but the questions were stale yet clearly intended to gin up controversy (they didn't, by the way, other than the controversy over you.) The final questions of that section, asking Obama whether he thought Rev. Wright "loved America" and then suggesting that Obama himself is somehow a hater of the American flag, or worse, were flat-out repulsive.
Are you even thinking when simply echo some of the vilest talking points from far-right talk radio? What are actually getting at - do you honestly believe that someone with a solid track record as a lawmaker in a Heartland state which elected him to the U.S. Senate, who is now seeking to make some positive American history as our first black president, is somehow un-American, or unpatriotic? Does that even make any sense? Question his policies, or question his leadership. Because that is your job as a journalist. But don't insult our intelligence by questioning his patriotism.
Here's a question for you, George. Is it true that yesterday you appeared on the radio with conservative talk radio host Sean Hannity, and that you said you were "taking notes" when he urged you to ask a question about Obama's supposed ties to a former member of the Weather Underground - which in fact you did. With all the fabulous resources of ABC News at your disposal, is that an appropriate way for a supposed journalist to come up with debate questions, by pandering to divisive radio shows?
And Charlie...could you be any more out of touch with your viewers? Most people aren't millionaires like you, and if Pennsylvanians are losing sleep over economic matters, it is not over whether the capital gains tax will go back up again. I was a little shocked when you pressed and pressed on that back-burner issue and left almost no time for high gas prices, but then I learned tonight that you did the same thing in the last debate, that you fretted over that middle-class family that made $200,000 a year. Charlie, the nicest way that I can put this is that you need to get out more.
But I'm not ready to make nice. What I just watched was an outrage. As a journalist, you appeared to confirm all of the worst qualities that cause people to hold our profession in such low esteem, especially your obsession with cornering the candidates with lame "trick" questions and your complete lack of interest or concern about substance - or about the American people, or the state of our nation. You embarassed some good people who work at ABC News - for example, the journalists who worked hard to break this story just last week - and you embarassed yourselves. The millions of people who watched the debate were embarassed, too - at the state of our political discourse, and what it has finally become, at long last.
Quickly, a word to any and all of my fellow journalists who happen to read this open letter. This. Must . Stop. Tonight, if possible. I thought that we had hit rock bottom in March 2003, when we failed to ask the tough questions in the run-up to the Iraq war. But this feels even lower. We need to pick ourselves up, right now, and start doing our job - to take a deep breath and remind ourselves of what voters really need to know, and how we get there, that's it's not all horserace and "gotcha." Although, to be blunt, I would also urge the major candidates in 2012 to agree only to debates that are organized by the League of Women Voters, with citizen moderators and questioners. Because we have proven without a doubt in 2008 that working journalists don't deserve to be the debate "deciders."
Charlie, I'm going to sign off this letter the way that you always sign off the news, that "I hope you had a great day."
Because America just had a horrible night.


Food Prices in China

Steep rise in Chinese food prices *Chinese food prices are up 21% this year, figures show, fuelling fears over inflation and the price of basic goods.
Full story:http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/em/-/2/hi/business/7349896.stm

Pope, U.S. Latinos


S.P. Farmers Mkt Starts This Sat

Moore County Farmers Market gardeners now have a new venue.

Saturday's Market opens THIS Saturday, April 19, corner of New York and Broad, at the site of the old police station.

Hours: 8 - noon

That puts it right across the tracks from the Post Office, a great venue for community-building!

See you there for LOCALLY-grown food, herbs, ornamentals, seedlings, eggs, meats. Strawberries are in!


China Now Top Carbon Polluter

China 'now top carbon polluter' *China has already overtaken the US as the world's biggest polluter, according to a new report by US scientists.Full story:http://news.bbc.co.uk/go/em/-/2/hi/asia-pacific/7347638.stm

Mexico Opposition Barricades Congress


The World According to Monsanto

The World According to Monsanto - A documentary that Americans won't ever see.

1 hr 49 min 0 sec - Mar 28, 2008
Average rating: (702 ratings)

Description: On March 11 a new documentary was aired on French television (ARTE – French-German cultural tv channel) by French journalist and film maker Marie-Monique Robin, The World According to Monsanto - A documentary that Americans won't ever see. The gigantic biotech corporation Monsanto is threatening to destroy the agricultural biodiversity which has served mankind for thousands of years.

Food Costs

Food Costs Rising Fastest in 17 Years
Posted: 2008-04-14 16:10:46
NEW YORK (AP) - Steve Tarpin can bake a graham cracker crust in his sleep, but explaining why the price for his Key lime pies went from $20 to $25 required mastering a thornier topic: global economics.

He recently wrote a letter to his customers and posted it near the cash register listing the factors - dairy prices driven higher by conglomerates buying up milk supplies, heat waves in Europe and California, demand from emerging markets and the weak dollar.

The owner of Steve's Authentic Key Lime Pies in Brooklyn said he didn't want customers thinking he was "jacking up prices because I have a unique product."

"I have to justify it," he said.

The U.S. is wrestling with the worst food inflation in 17 years, and analysts expect new data due on Wednesday to show it's getting worse. That's putting the squeeze on poor families and forcing bakeries, bagel shops and delis to explain price increases to their customers.

U.S. food prices rose 4 percent in 2007, compared with an average 2.5 percent annual rise for the last 15 years, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. And the agency says 2008 could be worse, with a rise of as much as 4.5 percent.


World Food Crisis

IMF head gives food price warning
The head of the IMF, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, warns of mass starvation if world food prices keep rising.

[So plan ahead, plant ahead; Food Not Lawns! And be friendly with our neighbors.]

Mark Our Calendars

Moore County Mixed Paper Recycle dates: May 3, July 12
Shredded paper,junk mail, phone books, Christmas cards, gift-wrap, newspapers, mags, shiny ads, cardboard, cereal boxes, AND batteries.

9--3:00, Gas Station near The Fresh Market
sponsors: Keep Moore County Beautiful, League of Women Voters of MC


Keep Moore County Beautiful Tournament, May 10

Keep Moore County Beautiful

For Immediate Release
April 10, 2008

Contact: Joan Neal, Executive Director
Phone: (910) 947-3478
Email: jneal@moorecountync.gov

Keep Moore County Beautiful invites Community to Annual Golf Tournament

SOUTHERN PINES, NC – The 8th Annual Keep Moore County Beautiful (KMCB) Marge Owings Memorial Golf Tournament will be held at Mid Pines Golf Club in Southern Pines on Saturday, May 10, 2008. An Entry Fee of $125 includes lunch, a gift bag, snacks on course, and the Owings Memorial Gift Packet to every golfer which contains four green fees for future play at Mid Pines, a premier Donald Ross designed golf course. The entry deadline is April 28, 2008.

If interested in entering in this tournament and supporting this fundraising event contact Joan Neal, Executive Director, at 947-3478 or jneal@moorecountync.gov.

“Keep Moore County Beautiful encourages beauty, recycling and a litter-free County” stated Alice Hess, Chairman of the Keep Moore County Beautiful Committee. “Through the funding raised at this tournament KMCB is able to offer anti-litter and recycling campaigns at county-wide events, environmental education to students, plants including daffodil bulbs to all schools to enhance their campuses and beautification awards to business and public areas throughout Moore County.”

Several projects are credited to KMCB’s leadership including facilitating mixed paper recycling events, spring and all litter clean-ups, telephone book recycling contest and the annual Christmas Tree Recycling event to name a few. Each of these projects involves strong support of the KMCB Board of Directors and also the financial resources from the community resulting in success of each project implemented throughout the calendar year.

Keep Moore County Beautiful is a non-profit affiliate of Keep America Beautiful, Inc. that was charted in 1987. The mission is to improve the public’s attitude and behavior in handling solid waste, conserving our natural resources, and involving them in beautification. KMCB exists to educate and change the behavioral approach to changing attitudes and habits concerning the control of waste.

Conservation Insider Bulletin, April 11

Conservation Insider Bulletin

Published weekly for the Conservation Council of North Carolina
Conservation News to Peruse & Use
Editor: Dan Besse, cib@conservationcouncilnc.org

April 11, 2008

Track "muddy water watch" enforcement examples, consider key clean water legislation, and explore the sinister plot of "greenways", this week in CIB:

--Enforcement Update: Muddy Water Case Study
--Washington Watch: Clean Water Restoration Act
--The Other Side: Greenways, the Communist Plot
Enforcement Update: Muddy Water Case Study

As a part of ongoing citizen enforcement training efforts, the Neuse River Foundation (NRF) and other groups have released "case studies" which show examples of the kinds of problems which occur when sedimentation control laws are not enforced. Recently, this enforcement training effort has looked hard at examples in Cary. Discussion and photos can be found at http://www.muddywaterwatch.org/casestudies.html.

Washington Watch: Clean Water Restoration Act

Ever since the U.S. Supreme Court (in 2001 and 2006) veered away from its earlier broad interpretations of the Clean Water Act, federal protections for critical waters and wetlands have been narrowing. In response, pro-environmental leaders in the U.S. Congress are trying to re-clarify the law to include the earlier broad definition of protected waters.

The resulting legislation is called the Clean Water Restoration Act (S. 1870 and H.R. 2421). Earlier this week, the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee held a hearing on the bill, and the House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee is scheduled to take up the issue next week. In the view of many environmentalists, this is the most important clean water issue to come before Congress in years.

Among the North Carolina Congressional delegation, Reps. G.K. Butterfield (D-NC1), David Price (D-NC4), Mel Watt (D-NC12) and Brad Miller (D-NC13) are co-sponsors of the House version of the bill. (CIB commends these members for their clean water leadership.)

Alas, not all the N.C. representatives are so foresighted. In particular, Rep. Robin Hayes (R-NC8), a member of the House Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment, has criticized it. Hayes claims that the bill would compromise the rights of property owners, especially farmers. Rep. Virginia Foxx (R-NC5) has also been visibly critical of the bill, again citing the usual "property rights" arguments.

As always, the "property rights" arguments elevate the rights of some to dump into public waters, and dismiss the rights of downstream and other impacted neighbors to clean water. Butterfield makes that point in support of the bill when he notes that it only limits actions that adversely impact a neighbor's water.

(Information taken from various published reports.)

The Other Side: Greenways, the Communist Plot

Sometimes the anti-environmentalists' train completely jumps the track of reality. This month the John Lockies are treating us to one of their most bizarre examples: greenways as a communist plot to steal our property rights. (Cue the "Outer Limits" theme music now.)

The Locke Foundation is pushing a "report" attacking the new Neuse River Greenway under development in Raleigh, as an uncompensated invasion of private property rights. Set aside the fact that the neighborhood supposedly "invaded" was advertised as a "greenways community". They assert, without evidence, that greenways devalue property. Odd conclusion, that—especially when a group as "property rights" oriented as the National Association of Realtors has found precisely to the contrary. In fact, proximity to greenways boosts property sale values.

The Lockies' paper is revealed as no more than an ideological tract when it asserts the sweeping claim, also without evidence, "Since greenways are commonly owned public property, they are more susceptible to crime, litter, and degradation than privately owned property." They talk of the alternative benefits of "private greenways" which would be open only to paying customers.

And there we have the truth. This is an outfit of ideologues so extreme that they reject the very premise of public parkland.

So sell off Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Yellowstone, Cape Hatteras National Seashore, and the rest of those publicly-owned eyesores. Who could possibly want to live next to such a set of dumps?

Day of Mindfulness, May 11


MAY 11, 2008
9:00 AM — 4:00 PM

Sponsored by Healing Springs Community of Mindful Living, Red Springs
With Guest Teacher, Michael Ciborski

16741 Old Maxton Rd., Johns Station, Laurinburg, NC 28352
$30 per person (Please bring your own lunch.)

In the spirit of honoring the Mother, please join us in a day of deepening our relationships to our loved ones and our Great Mother, the Earth. We will enjoy the peace of sitting and walking meditations, eating in mindfulness, relaxation and teachings on healing and sustaining our relationships with family, coworkers, society and the Earth.

Michael Ciborski is a Dharma Teacher and former monk who lived for seven years in Plum Village where he served as the English Chant Master. He now lives in New Hampshire with his wife, Fern, and their two children. They are working together to build a mindfulness-based sustainable community, MorningSun.

To register and for additional information:
Email: johnbowman@nc.rr.com Tel: 910-843-2427
Space is limited! Please register by May 7.


V to the 10th, NOLA

V to the Tenth: Thousands of Women Gather in New Orleans for 10th Anniversary of Global Movement to Combat Violence Against Women

Democracy Now! broadcasts from New Orleans, where thousands of women are gathering to celebrate the tenth anniversary of V-Day, the global movement to combat sexual violence against women and children. V-Day began a decade ago when playwright and activist Eve Ensler held the first benefit performance of her award-winning play, The Vagina Monologues. This weekend,Ensler is organizing a two-day celebration at the Superdome called "V to theTenth." Its focus is on helping the women of New Orleans and the Gulf South.

We speak with activists from New Orleans, Kenya and Iraq.


Dear IRS

Dear Internal Revenue Service:

Enclosed you will find my 2007 tax return showing that I owe $3,407.00 in taxes.

Please note the attached article from the USA Today newspaper; dated 12 November, wherein you will see the Pentagon (Department of Defense) is paying $171.50 per hammer and NASA has paid $600.00 per toilet seat.

I am enclosing four (4) toilet seats (valued @ $2,400) and six (6)
hammers valued @ $1,029), which I secured at Home Depot, bringing my total remittance to $3,429.00.

Please apply the overpayment of $22.00 to the "Presidential Election Fund," as noted on my return.

You can do this inexpensively by sending them one (1) 1..5" Phillips Head screw (see aforementioned article from USA Today newspaper detailing how H.U.D. pays $22.00 each for 1.5" Phillips Head Screws).

One screw is enclosed for your convenience.

It has been a pleasure to pay my tax bill this year, and I look forward to paying it again next year.

A Satisfied Taxpayer

Sequal to Inconvenient Truth [must watch!]

[Think global, act local. Let's compost, garden, re-use, buy less, stay home, unplug, lobby for change locally, regionally, globally.]


Check for Aberdeen Concert Dates


Farmers Mkt Opens Today!

The Morganton Road Farmers Market will be open April 10 with greenhouse tomatoes, strawberries, flowers and plants, meats and cool weather crops. Please pass the word around. We will also plan to be open the next Thursday April 17.


Tour de Coop



Tough Plants for Tough Times

Master Gardener Dolores Muller
Southern Pines Public Library
April 13, 3-4 p.m.

Info about soil testing, site preparation, selection of drought-resistant plants

Plant Swap! -- Bring a plant and take home a different one. Label your plant with planting instructions.

(To attend the program, you needn't bring a plant -- only if you intend to swap.)

692-8235 for more info

Carcinogens in our Green Products


Abolish the Fed, Invest in Ag.


Granny D at Gettysburg

Dear Friends, Doris "Granny D" Haddock, 98, has been taking her iron pills and eating her vegetables and now reports that she is running on all eight cylinders again. She has put off her planned addition of a heart pacemaker --"maybe when I'm older I'll need it."

This week she was in Gettysburg and delivered the remarks copied below. Yours, Dennis Burke

Thank you. It is a great honor to be here again. One should never bring a long speech to Gettysburg, so I shall be only two or three times as long as Mr. Lincoln. I first met some of you eight years ago. We were all so worried about losing our democracy that we were wiling to walk across the country and go to jail. You meet the nicest people in the Washington jail, by the way –that’s where I met Lou and Patricia Hammann. Eight years ago we could not have imagined what our country was headed into. We could not have imagined how many protests, how many marches, how many letters, phone calls, emails, posters, banners, and campaigns we were in for. We could not have imagined the amazing people who have come into our vision, for good and for ill. We could never in our wildest imaginings have come up with a story about how the US would attack countries at will based on phony propaganda, how we would become a country that tortures people, how we would become a country that spits on the grave of every patriot who lived or died for our freedoms under the Bill of Rights. Just those eight years ago, we could not have imagined stolen elections, an eviscerated and cowardly Congress, or eviscerated and cowardly national news organizations that refused to see and report the obvious, or editorial pages that refused to call for the obvious. It has been a remarkable time. Before the Iraq invasion, you know many of us were on Capitol Hill trying to talk sense into some people. The people who knew very well that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq were the arms inspectors. They were on Capitol Hill too, trying to talk sense into those people. Senators did not want to talk to them because the Senators knew very well what the truth was. They knew that, if we wanted to keep looking for those weapons, we only needed to put our inspectors back in. The inspectors were telling everyone that they then had the freedom to go anywhere and look at anything in Iraq. They only stopped looking because Mr. Bush called them home so he could have his little war. Those inspectors wanted to go back and keep looking. Here’s something you may not know or may have forgotten: Saddam Hussein, several weeks before our attack, invited our military to come in and look at anything they wanted to look at. They were invited to come in, fully armed, and look wherever they wanted. Our administration said no thank you. The incredible Mr. Richard Perle, who used to live next door to my late daughter in Washington and who didn’t like my support van parked on the street when I arrived after my long walk, evidently, according to the New York Times of November 6, 2003, went to London to meet on behalf of Mr. Bush with a representative of Iraq who made this offer. No thanks, was the silent response. How is that not treason against this nation and all who have died? Men like John McCain knew all this. Men like John Kerry knew all this. In fact, most the people in Kerry’s home state knew all this. They tried to get appointments with him to talk it over. He refused. Some, desperate for his attention, went to sit in at his office in Boston and were arrested. Bishops tried to get to him and offered to be arrested. He would not listen, because he already knew the truth and knew he would turn away from it in order to have a chance for the presidency. Of course, he thereby killed his chance for the presidency. Millions of Americans marched to stop that attack because WE ALL KNEW. We all knew. We all did. The people who voted to go to war did so--sent young men and women to die, sent our bombs to fall on innocent families abroad--to better their chances to run for president. Was there ever a more cynical and unpatriotic act than that? Do their hands not drip with the blood of our children and the world’s children? Indeed they do. And do we !believe them when they now say they were fooled by Mr. Bush? That they had no idea that he would go to war with their vote, when the name of the bill was in fact the Joint Resolution to Authorize the Use of United States Armed Forces Against Iraq? What does it say about them if they were fooled when millions of us were in the streets because we were not fooled? I mention all this only to make the point that we have not exactly turned our country around with all our efforts. The same lobbyists who were swiveling in their chairs and blowing smoke rings around our Declaration of Independence are swiveling yet, blowing smoke yet. The same politicians who were selling out our poor and our middle class for their rich friends are still on the prowl, still selling us out at every opportunity. And now, when the great casino called Wall Street is toppling, corruption will allow our tax dollars to prop it up. The same harm that was being inflicted on our planet then is even more so today, with very little time left to save the day and save the night and the winter, spring, summer and fall. And yet I see that these people who stood up and who marched and who were willing to go to jail to move America back into the brighter path have changed things. It is very hard to turn a great ship around when it is going fast in the wrong direction. But the ship has turned. I feel it. I see it in young faces. Some of us have grown weary of trying to bring America around. Some have given up for a time. Some no longer see the point of standing on street corners with signs or making demands of their tone-deaf Congressmen. It is tiring and discouraging. The arrival of the young people in this election year are a great boost, but it is tiring work, nevertheless. And the biggest fights are still ahead? Indeed, the revolution we require is yet ahead – a revolution away from coal and oil, away from corporate domination and corrupt governance, and toward a new way of living—a way of living as neighbors, friends, people of the earth who are not the enemies of the earth, of nature. We are on that path now, though the road is hardly marked with yellow bricks. Creative leadership is not the essential ingredient. We need leaders who can inspire the American people and the people of the world to move in new directions quickly. We need creative leaders who will so inspire the common man and woman that corrupt Congresses will have no ability to resist. Creative leaders, honest election systems, an economy redesigned to make communities self-sufficient and healthier, and an education system designed to make all of us and our children the well-informed, bright, creative, interested and interesting people needed to run a democracy: these are the visions we must hold in the backs of our eyes now. We have been running America for many decades with negative visualizations. You see it even in the movies. Before 9-11, all the big summer films were about aliens attacking the United States, and hero presidents jumping in jets to save us. The movies didn’t bring on that history, but what we think and what we dream have an effect in the world. We have to make room in the world for what we dream of by actually dreaming it, by making space for it, by making it imaginable to others through our own creative leadership in our own families and neighborhoods. Let’s not be tired. Let’s not be old. Let’s make a new beginning by getting together with our neighbors more often. How about next week? Let’s plant some more vegetable gardens. Let’s make some furniture or art. Let’s fix up some bicycles. Let’s get the whole neighborhood to go down to visit the local office of our elected people and get them on board or scare the hell out of them. This is our democracy if we can keep it. This is a grand planet if we can save it. It really is up to us. Each person is the hero of the world, and, in saying that, I do not joke or exaggerate. Every one of you has the power to do this, to start something big … and necessary … and beautiful. Thank you very much.

Conservation Insider Bulletin, April 4

Conservation Insider Bulletin

Published weekly for the Conservation Council of North Carolina
Conservation News to Peruse & Use
Editor: Dan Besse, cib@conservationcouncilnc.org

April 4, 2008

Riding the rails proves unexpectedly popular in Charlotte, while statewide there's campaign news and more, this week in CIB:

--Local Government Watch: Popular Trains
--Campaign Watch: CCNC Scorecard Gets Blogged; Sierra Club Announces Statewide Endorsements
--Environmental People: Dorney Wins Wetlands Award
Local Government Watch: Popular Trains

Charlotte is already seeing ridership on its new light rail line top projections. In fact, according to an article in the 4/3/08 Charlotte Observer, the Lynx Blue Line's I-485/South Boulevard station's 1,120-space parking deck is consistently filling up. In response to the welcome news of heavy interest, CATS (Charlotte Area Transit System) is studying ways to add more spaces, such as re-striping some spaces for compact cars.

Overall, the Observer reports, the number of cars at Lynx park-and-ride lots has more than tripled since the system's opening last November. CIB supposes that the John Locke Foundation crowd is gnashing its teeth about this display of serious public demand for the Lockies' despised rail transit service.

Campaign Watch: CCNC Scorecard Gets Blogged; Sierra Club Announces Statewide Endorsements

CCNC Scorecard Gets Blogged: CCNC's 2007 Conservation Legislative Scorecard is getting some deserved attention online. (This is the report on N.C. state legislators' environmental voting records, including the legislator of the year as well as the "Dirty Dozen" and "Filthy Five" anti-recognitions.)

CCNC's Mike Nelson points out that the Scorecard is covered on the progressive Democratic blogsite BlueNC at http://bluenc.com/environmental-scorecard-results-are-available-now%21. It was also covered on the Greensboro reporter's blog http://edcone.typepad.com/wordup/2008/03/greening-nc.html. Finally, he says that Asheville and Watauga County bloggers are expected to post the report soon.

Mike suggests that CCNC volunteers go to the various blogsites and make informed comments on the content and utility of the Scorecard. For an example, see Mike's own blog at www.electmikenelson.blogspot.com.

Sierra Club Announces Statewide Endorsements: The N.C. Chapter of the Sierra Club has begun announcing its endorsements for 2008. Sierra has announced endorsements of Janet Cowell in the Democratic primary for State Treasurer, and Dan Besse in the Democratic primary for Lieutenant Governor. (CCNC's Conservation PAC previously announced endorsements of both.) Sierra's endorsement letters in these contests may be found at http://nc.sierraclub.org/politics/2008%20Endorsements.htm.

Environmental People: Dorney Wins Wetlands Award

Long-time North Carolina state employee John Dorney has won a 2008 Environmental Law Institute (ELI) National Wetlands Award. ELI this week announced its seven citizens honored this year for "their on-the-ground wetland conservation efforts and decades-long dedication to protecting these important natural resources." Dorney was honored as the Supervisor for the N.C. Division of Water Quality's Program Development Unit, for his work in development of North Carolina's state wetlands and stream protection efforts.

According to ELI's 4/1/08 news release, "Program co-sponsors--the Environmental Law Institute, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, USDA Forest Service, USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service--hope that recognizing wetland leaders for their efforts will inspire others to follow their example. Given the national importance of wetlands, the federal agencies that sponsor the Awards welcome the opportunity to recognize and encourage voluntary wetland conservation efforts."

From Barack Obama

North Carolia's primary is coming up on Tuesday, May 6th, and it's crucial that supporters across the state stay focused on this important contest.

But I also want to let you know about an exciting project that we'll be kicking off in all 50 states this summer. It's called the Obama Organizing Fellowship.

When I was a young man, I was inspired by the Civil Rights Movement and the idea of people working at a grassroots level to bring about change.

I got my chance on the South Side of Chicago, as a community organizer, and it was the transformative experience of my career.

It allowed me to put my values to work and to see that real change comes not from the top-down, but from the bottom-up, when ordinary people come together around a common purpose.

The experience changed the course of my life -- and I want to share that kind of opportunity with you.

That's why we're introducing a program that's going to train a new generation of leaders -- not only to help us win this election, but to help strengthen our democracy in communities across the country.

If you apply and are selected, you'll be trained in the basic organizing principles that this campaign and our movement for change are built on. You will be assigned to a community where you'll organize supporters. Assignments will begin in June, and you'll be required to work a minimum of six weeks over the summer.

This program is designed to give you real world organizing experience that will have a concrete impact on this election.

Apply to be an Obama Organizing Fellow and put progressive values to work in the real world:


If you can't take the time away from work or your family that's required for the fellowship program, you can still get involved.

Reach out to someone you know who may be interested in this program, and let them know we could use their help:

House an Organizing Fellow -- If you have a spare room, you can help by offering housing to an Organizing Fellow near their training or near their eventual assignment. We haven't set locations for all of the trainings and assignments, but if you sign up, our staff will be in touch as the campaign grows:

Support this program by making a donation to this campaign:

Being a community organizer wasn't easy, but it was the most valuable education I ever received. It taught me that together, ordinary people can do extraordinary things.

Organizing changed my life, and I hope it changes yours.


Barack Obama

P.S. -- You don't have to wait until this summer to make a difference for our campaign.

This weekend is our best chance to bring new voices into the political process -- the deadline to register and vote on May 6th is next Friday, April 11th. It's more important than ever that you get involved in your community and help register voters.

Come to the office near you and make a difference this weekend:


Moore County Beekeepers, April 8

Moore County Beekeepers will be having their regular monthly meeting on April 8, 2008 at 7 p.m., room 3 of the Moore County Agricultural Building, Pinehurst Ave in Carthage.

Things to be discussed are as follows: The NCSBA Summer Meeting; The April 12 Field day and we hope to have reports from various committees.

The President of the NCSBA and the Secretary/Treasurer will meet with officers of Moore County Beekeepers at noon on Tuesday to provide a basis for the Chapter's responsibilities regarding the Summer Meeting. The Secretary/Treasurer (Paul Madren) plans to attend the Tuesday meeting of the Moore County Beekeepers in case you have some questions for him.

The Spring Field Day is scheduled for Saturday, April 12. Put your thinking caps on and try to come up with some ideas on how we can do our field day. We'll be discussing that on Tuesday night. We need input from members in order to improve on things that are already good.

Our program this month will be presented by Kevin Toole. He will be talking about "The Blue Orchard Bee-A Native Pollinator"


Who Plays the Race Card?


Edible Foodlike Sustances


Heritage Turkey Taste Test

Subject: Heritage Turkeys Prove Superior In Flavor
For Immediate Release
Heritage Turkeys Prove Superior In Flavor
Pittsboro, NC:

On February 25, 2008, approximately 70 food professionals,chefs, food writers, and food connoisseurs gathered at Ayrshire Farm in Upperville, VA, to participate in a blind tasting comparing one industrialand eight heritage varieties of turkey. The purpose of the event was to give a fair and parallel comparison of nine varieties of turkey to determine which, if any, stand out in flavor.
This unique event was conducted blind, with each turkey variety cut into bite-sized pieces in covered dishes at numbered stations. Numbered toothpicks and scorecards were provided to aid in evaluating the turkeys. Additionally, whole, roasted turkeys were placed on a table, with their corresponding number, so that appearance could be appraised as well.

The turkeys were scored based on flavor, texture, tenderness, smell, and appearance. After tasting the turkeys, the enthusiastic crowd was asked to vote fortheir favorite number before the varieties were revealed. Each of the nine turkeys had supporters, but when the tally was over all eight of the heritage turkey varieties came out ahead of the industrial variety - a Butterball.

The clear winner in this historical tasting was the Midget White turkey, with second place going to the Bourbon Red. The top two favorites each received nearly twice as many votes as any of the other turkey varieties.

The heritage turkey varieties tasted were the Royal Palm, Chocolate, Slate, Narragansett, Bronze, Bourbon Red, Midget White, and Black. Heritage turkeys are noted for slow to moderate rate of growth and are considered rare by the American Livestock Breeds Conservancy. All but two of the varieties - the standard Bronze and the Butterball - had been grown on Ayrshire Farm, fed organic feed, and raised and processed humanely, following Humane Farm Animal Care's standards.

This event was the largest comparison of turkey varieties to date and was an opportunity for several of the turkey varieties to be "boarded" onto the Slow Food USA Ark of Taste - a designation recognizing unique culinary flavors and traditions. Invitees enjoyed being present at an Ark boarding,and heartily endorsed the worthiness of the Slate, Royal Palm, and Midget White turkey varieties.

Turkey Tasting - An Historical Event was produced through a partnership ofthe American Livestock Breeds Conservancy, Humane Farm Animal Care, SlowFood USA, and Ayrshire Farm.

For more information on the turkey varieties, placings, hosting organizations, or turkey facts, visit:

Don SchriderCommunication DirectorThe American Livestock Breeds ConservancyP.O. Box 477Pittsboro, NC 27312(919) 542-5704editor@albc-usa.orgwww.albc-usa.org THE AMERICAN LIVESTOCK BREEDS CONSERVANCY, founded in 1977, is a non-profitmembership organization working to protect over 150 breeds of cattle, goats,horses, asses, sheep, pigs, rabbits and poultry from extinction. It is thepioneer organization in the U.S. working to conserve heritage breeds andgenetic diversity in livestock.

Voter Registration Drive, April 5

Moore County Voter Registation Drive
Saturday, April 05, 2008

Our next Voter Registration Drive will be this Saturday, April 5th. We will be meeting in the parking lot of the Harris Teeter shopping center in front of the Shoe Show store in Abeerdeen. This Vother Registration event will be an all day event split into two shifts. The morning shift will be from 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM the afternoon shift will be from 2:00 PM to 5:00 PM.

We'll be doing on the spot training for those of you who are unfamilar with the Voter Registration process and assigning you to teams to branch out in the community.

More details will be made available at the organizational meeting this Friday night at the Moore County Democratic HQ in Carthage (6:30 PM)

If you have questions, or can help with tables, chairs, locations that would be ideal for Voter Reg., please contact Timothy Smith at 528-9646. For further details.

Hope to see you all there!

For More Info:

Stand Still

Stand still. The trees ahead and bushes beside you
Are not lost. Wherever you are is called Here,
And you must treat it as a powerful stranger,
Must ask permission to know it and be known.

The forest breathes. Listen. It answers,
I have made this place around you.
If you leave it, you may come back again, saying Here.

No two trees are the same to Raven.
No two branches are the same to Wren.
If what a tree or bush does is lost on you,
Then you are surely lost.

Stand still. The forest knows
Where you are. You must let it find you.

David Wagoner, poet and novelist


Invasion of the Invasives

It seems as though invasive species are finding their way everywhere in our new world order of wide-open borders. This leads us to ask, “Should we tolerate or eliminate?”

This Saturday at 9am Pacific, the Food Chain with Michael Olson hosts David Theodoropoulos, author of Invasion Biology, and Lori Williams, Executive Director of the National Invasive Species Council, for a conversation about invasive species.

Log on the Food Chain page at www.metrofarm.com to listen on your radio, computer or IPOD.

Topics include whether non-native species should be called “invasive species;” whether non-native species can wreak irrevocable harm on native environments; and whether invasive species should be tolerated or eliminated.
Question of the Week: Should invasive species be tolerated or eliminated? (#584)

Amazing Urban Farming


Crony Capitalism


13-year-old Speaking to UN

[This rocks me!]

Moore for Obama, April 4

Moore County NC for Obama
Friday, April 04, 2008

Join other Barack Obama supporters for a meeting April 4, 2008 at 6:30 pm at the Moore County Democratic Headquarters, located at 104A McNeil Street, Carthage, NC. We will continue organize future events and voter registration drives. Meet our Barack Obama National Campaign Organizer, Lance Orchid and find out how you can get involved with the national campaign.

Our main goal over the next few weeks will be voter education and registration. We are a grassroots group coming together to further support Senator Obama in his presidential bid. If you are interested in volunteering for future events please attend.

For More Info:

Cuppa vs. Alzheimer's


Sun Not the Cause

'No Sun link' to climate change
The idea that the Earth's climate is determined by cosmic rays and the Sun's activity is discredited by UK scientists.

Get Out We Must


Web-based Conference Info, April 10


“Converging Environmental Crises” Web-based conference, April 10

Converging Environmental Crises: free online conference April 10
by College of Public Health

A Teach-in on Energy, Climate Change, Water, Agriculture and Population

Global warming. Energy depletion. Overpopulation. You're only as healthy as the world you live in. Without awareness and significant change, Earth's once bountiful treasures will be depleted.

On Thursday, April 10, researchers at The Ohio University College of Public Health will gather national experts for a conversation on the state of our planet’s health.

“Converging Environmental Crises” is a Web-based conference featuring more than a dozen health and environmental experts who will provide live and recorded presentations on topics such as global warming, overpopulation and energy depletion.

To listen to and view the conversation, visit sg60.oar.net, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., April 10 [Eastern Daylight Time].

The conference will be based in Columbus and will link to sites around the U.S. and Canada.

For more information and to view a complete schedule of events, download the "Converging Environmental Crises" PDF.



Howard Zinn's New Book


Very Important Lecture Video



If You Missed It Before


More Sub-prime Woes

UBS doubles sub-prime writedowns
UBS unveils a further $19bn of writedowns linked to the sub-prime crisis, taking total writedowns to $37bn.

Who Owns Your Green Company?

[To be on the safe side, you have to choose LOCAL. Farmers' Markets open this month! Two in Southern Pines, one in Pinehurst, one in Robbins.]